What are the best cities to live in Indiana?
2006-05-18 15:32:10 UTC
What are the best cities to live in Indiana?
Five answers:
2006-05-19 17:47:29 UTC
If you like a higher end lifestyle I would choose Carmel, Zionsville, or the north (or northwest) side of Indianapolis.

Bloomington is the best college town in Indiana to live in. Plenty to do there. Yes they do have idiot drivers though and you better get used to liberals because they are everywhere (if you're one then that's not a problem, lol).

I would never live in Evansville, it is very dirty and there are not many nice places there. I'd definitely stay away. I would choose Fort Wayne over Evansville.

As for smaller towns, Jasper is very upscale. Quite a few really nice neighborhoods, just make sure you don't purchase a Kirsteins home, they are shabby and not well built. Choose a Streicher.
2006-05-18 23:27:59 UTC
Depends on if you like your towns rural (Indiana has too many of those) or urban (not enough).

As far as the urban goes, Indianapolis and its suburbs beats them all. Huge city with everything to do. Evansville is a good 2nd choice. College towns like Bloomington and Lafayette are good ones as well (but beware of the idiot drivers, which are plentiful in Indiana college towns).

When it comes to rural towns, the best way to choose one is to simply buy a map of Indiana, tape it to a wall, throw a dart at the map. Whatever tiny town the dart lands on, move there.
§ Queen Ganja §
2006-05-19 00:12:07 UTC
I live in Valparaiso Indiana and its small and has no nightclubs but its safe and quite. You don't have to worry too much about locking your doors. And VERY VERY good schools.
working mom of 3
2006-05-19 11:40:46 UTC
Greencastle. It is 35 miles west of Indy and 35 east of Terre Haute. Elit-ish college (Depauw) town.
2006-05-19 13:48:13 UTC
Noblesville is the best big enough to have a night life but small enough to still have the small home town feeling.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.