What is the driving distance from Muncie, Indiana, to Marion, Indiana?
2006-02-24 05:08:50 UTC
What is the driving distance from Muncie, Indiana, to Marion, Indiana?
Four answers:
2006-02-24 05:13:39 UTC
Total Est. Distance: 38.38 miles
2006-03-01 08:11:26 UTC
From my house to Muncie is around 37 miles.
2016-12-12 20:44:48 UTC
WOW! Take some days off from this position and look on the drama this morning..... How did all of those Busch followers deal with to exhibit this into something about Jr? OH, it truly is excellent, they're all nonetheless jealous that their driver is a worthless, no-classification low-existence and our driver has some classification and dignity left..... i'm getting it now! iciness Glory - who the hell EVER reported something about lack of life? i have study Gloria's question and those different solutions countless circumstances now and that i'm nonetheless no longer seeing all and sundry wishing lack of life OR severe actual damage on the Imitator. no human being needs to confirm ANY driver get injured, EVER. get over your self. M&Ms suck anyhow. Now to respond to your question, Gloria.... Kyle would have his stripe, as will about 1/2 or more beneficial of the sphere. And definite, for a replace I do wish someone spins him on purpose. He has ultimately shown after his nationwide mood tantrum very last week that he's worth of countless intentional "injuries".
2006-02-24 13:08:54 UTC
How lazy and ignorant will the next generation be?

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