How is the INDIANAPOLIS city?is ti good and beautiful city for Travel?
2006-04-24 09:23:36 UTC
How is the INDIANAPOLIS city?is ti good and beautiful city for Travel?
Four answers:
2006-04-24 14:46:25 UTC
Indianapolis is trying to reinvent itself as a sophisticated business-center. They have recently opened a 5-star Conrad hotel, they have theater and fine dining. There is also a world class children's museum. However, if redneck pursuits appeal to you, there are plenty of those, too: The Indy 500 and Brickyard 400 bring hicks from all corners of the globe.

As for beautiful, yes, take a leisurely drive up Meridian St. and look at all the gorgeous homes. When you get to 86th, turn left and drive a while until you get to Zionsville Rd. Turn right there and head into the quaint little village of Zionsville with charming shops and underrated restaurants.
Derek J
2006-04-24 11:45:14 UTC
indianapolis is a wonderful city with many places to go. like the speedway, consico feild house, and the rca dome. but you should take a map with you. it's easy to get lost very quickly. Night time is the best time to see downtown.
2006-04-24 09:34:46 UTC
Indianapolis,Indiana-is a great city.Sorta.There is plenty of interesting things to do especially is you have children.The Speedway is the best!The Naptown Riders are there!That would be fun to check out:)~But there is also the rundown part of town that isn't so pretty.
2006-04-25 17:30:03 UTC
I think if you like art or opera music Indy the place for you . other wise its just boring the motor speedway the best

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