What is the origin of the word Hoosier when referring to people from Indiana?
2006-05-13 08:57:40 UTC
What is the origin of the word Hoosier when referring to people from Indiana?
Seven answers:
2006-05-17 13:37:50 UTC
The Sam Hoosier is right his team worked on the Indiana side of the bridge. The hoosier Dome was named after the peaple of Indiana. Later they sold out to RCA.
2016-11-16 13:34:13 UTC
Hoosier Origin
2006-05-15 19:02:19 UTC
no none of those are correct. the word HOOSIER comes the man Sam Hoosier. People from the north came down to help rebuild the south across the Ohio river and they came with Sam Hoosier. Where everyone started calling the men Hoosiers men...HOOSIERS. Those answers are making Hoosiers look real stupid!!! Hoosier dome?? Its the RCA dome and its only been there for 22 or 23 years.
2006-05-13 09:01:30 UTC
people in the frontier days would say who's here when people came calling, and it got shortened to hoosier. that's what i read.
2006-05-13 18:49:53 UTC
When I was younger we learned of the story about people always yelling "Who's here" when someone pounded on their door. But another silly one that I was told was something about way back in the day people would go to saloons and there was a fight and a guy got his ear cut off. The bartender stopped the fight and everyone ran off. The bartender wanted to know who the people were that were fighting so he found the ear laying on the floor and went around the town yelling "Who's ear???" Sounds silly, I know but it is amusing when you are little.
2006-05-13 09:13:36 UTC
maybe it came from the "HOOSIER DOME" & that is where the name came from, ever since then everyone here n INDIANAPOLIS has been known as a HOOSIER.
Black Sabbath
2006-05-13 14:53:37 UTC
WHOS HERE? - Hoosier

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